Container Hire, Sales, Modifications & Storage


Global Transport Logistics offer an extensive range of sea containers available to hire starting from as little as $3 a day, alternatively you can purchase these quality units outright for very competitive prices with buy-back guarantees (conditions apply).

These ten, twenty and forty foot units are great options for your long and short term storage requirements. Be it on site storage for construction, long term storage for archives or important documents or simply short term storage to solve over flow problems our quality units can be despatched and collected promptly with our own vehicles and if necessary stored at our secured warehouse.

Global Transport Logistics can also arrange modifications including slide-doors, roller doors windows, lights, air condition, shelving and racking to customise any size container to your specific needs

We also offer special refrigerated units for cold storage of food, drinks and other perishable or temperature controlled products. These can also be stored at our warehouse facility with power and monitoring handled by our qualified staff.